red undertones | XMONDO HAIR

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red undertones

  • So i tried to dye my hair a lighter brown almost a year ago, however because brunettes naturally have those red undertones it was a little brassy (especially in sunlight) but not orange. i was okay with that because it doesnt look bad and it definitely toned itself down over time but im now running into an issue with wanting to dye my hair an ashy brown color. im not sure the color will result in the ashyness that im wanting but i dont want to go blonde blonde to lighten up and cancel out the red undertones. again its not horribly red or orange, but how can i manage to dye my hair an ash brown and it still look okay? 

  • Hi beautiful! Going for an ashy brown can be a bit tricky, but it’s totally doable without going blonde. Since you already have some natural red undertones, you’ll need to counteract those with a toner. Look for a demi-permanent toner that’s blue or green-based, as these colors will neutralize the red. Apply it after lightening your hair slightly, if needed, using a gentle lightener or a color remover. This should help you achieve that cool, ashy tone without going too light. And remember, always do a strand test first to make sure you're happy with the result.

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